Thursday, December 6, 2007

Apparently I wasn't getting enough excitement at the office.

Have you ever had the experience where you're just going along with your work every day, and by work I mean not so much working but occasionally answering the phone and replying to emails in between chatting inappropriately on MSN with a hot younger guy you met online but haven't met in real life but that hasn't stopped you from having phone sex with him which is really bizarre because...well...who does that? Ahem.

And even though you've worked at the same place for over a year and even though you've seen the guy who works in the Media department on numerous occasions before, and even though you've always sort of noticed him in a way that's different than how you notice say...potholes, you've never really, you know, THOUGHT about him.

And although you recently found yourself looking at him from across the room at the annual Christmas event where all the staff are invited to come and eat the requisite two free hors d'oeuvres per person and for some reason you were wondering what colour his eyes are up close, you've never actually THOUGHT about any part of his body. I mean, not really.

That is, until he looked over at you and you were snarfing an egg roll and there's just no sexy way to snarf an egg roll and so you turned away really fast, and while choking on the egg roll you wondered why in the hell you cared about being sexy and eating the egg roll in the first place.

And then this same guy from the Media department has to take your picture for something actually work-related and he shows up and the first words you say to each other are all excited like you haven't seen each other in so long even though you've never had a conversation and why are you giggling?

And he's really nervous for some reason and that's so cute and for some reason you're even more nervous...and then when he touches your hand to get you to move a certain way for the picture you realize that you've somehow developed the mother of all work crushes on the hot guy from the Media department and when in the hell did this happen? Seriously. When. Did. This. Happen.

Have you ever had that experience? Or is it just me?


1 comment:

Squirrelly Girly said...

I've been meaning to tell you I LOVE your blog! Damn, girl. It rocks.