Monday, May 21, 2007

Shaking the dust off...

I have a long list of activities I've started and stopped, conversations never finished and hobbies left abandoned in the hall closet. (If anybody would like to purchase a slightly used pair of roller blades with the brake worn away, please let me know. Also one slightly used fitness pass for aquasize. And a bathing suit. And one deck of tarot cards. Call me.)

To most of these, I say "meh." Others I thank the good lord the madness stopped when it did, but there are a few that keep me awake at night wondering how I could have been so stupid to have just let go. A random sampling:

  • My three-day stint as a member of the Junior Varsity Rowing Team. Thank the lord.

  • Anything involving the words, "So I totally think eating less than 1200 calories a day is doable." Also thanking the lord.

  • Choosing to say, "We should probably head back," one moonlit night to a guy named T instead of, "I love you and I think I want to have your children provided it's by C-section and they're raised at a Swiss boarding school until the age of 18 but they're welcome to come home for a family photo at Christmas. Take me right now." So stupid. T is now a dentist.

  • Thinking I might ever want to make my own greeting cards. Meh.

My level of motivation in life at any given moment can depend entirely on questionable factors. What time in the morning am I expected to be there? Seriously?? Did I shave my legs? Is anybody going to see me? What exactly will I get out of it? Does it taste good?

All very serious questions, but one thing I should never have let lapse the way I have is writing just because I want to.

Not writing since university makes me feel stupid, so I'm fixing that right now. I can't promise it will be memorable, or even grammatically correct -- but I won't let go again.

1 comment:

Heidi Schempp Fournier said...

Yeah you! Pull up those big girl panties and get on with it! :-)