Monday, March 8, 2010

My blog won an award. No, really.

This blog has not led to many awards so far, although it is often the reason I'm referred to as a hot, tranny, trainwreck mess by one of my four devoted readers. That's really less of an award however, and more of a loosely factual statement. Loosely because I'm neither tranny nor train, but hot, wreck and mess can't be denied so easily.

Apparently, the Honest Scrap Award "is for bloggers who put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul." Even though I've started my new diet today and my soul is currently the subject of fierce negotiations with the devil for a pack of Cadbury Mini-Eggs, whatever charred remains may be left are deeply touched, especially given who tagged my blog with this award.

Whereas I can be considered inspirational only as a cautionary tale, the blogger behind Finding My Weigh is inspirational for all the right reasons. She's a Mom, a very busy career woman, fiercely intelligent and funny, on her way to losing 50 pounds before she returns to work from mat leave, and she's not annoying about any of it. She also posts way more than I do and it makes me look bad. Bitch.

As an Honest Scrap Award Recipient (I really like how the words, "award" and "recipient" flow so nicely after my name), I have to list 10 honest, random and interesting things about myself. Failing in this shouldn't take my Award away, but I'm not taking any chances.
  1. I was once escorted out of a nightclub for dancing too suggestively.

  2. A woman told me last week I look like Sandra Bullock, and I hugged her.

  3. Stepping on cracks still weirds me out.

  4. Some times I dream with commercials.

  5. I once competed in a beauty pageant, and I didn't win.

  6. I recently took a Mormon girl to a sex-shop to help her pick out some items for her wedding night and beyond.

  7. Said Mormon girl would totally kick my ass for telling.

  8. I've set fire to something in my kitchen on three separate occasions.

  9. Fresh cut grass is my favourite smell.

  10. I fantasize about Jon Stewart interviewing me on the Daily Show.

My responsibilities as an Honest Scrap Award Winner don't end here though, for part of winning this award means passing it on to seven other bloggers I feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to continue basking in the glory of my award when I have to play nice and share it with others, but I'll find a way. I'm going to draw my Award Recipient status out a little bit further by listing only a few blogs I'm passing the award on to at a time, and it's going to force me to overhaul the overall look of my site. Re-thinking who I link to and why is long overdue. There are a lot of bloggers who help get me through the day, and I really should honour them properly. Stay tuned...

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